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Hebert Family Farms

Cattle Mineral

Just like humans, cattle require a number of dietary minerals for normal bodily maintenance, growth & reproduction. Minerals that are required, in large amounts, are called macro elements. Those needed in small amounts are called micro or trace minerals. The major minerals include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine and sulfur. Those needed in trace amounts are iron, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt, and selenium.

Beef cattle have different requirements depending upon age, stage of reproduction, geographic location, forage quality and weather conditions. Minerals are essential in helping to maintain osmotic pressure, which helps regulate the exchange of water within the body, immunity, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission.

In the winter, it is especially important to provide mineral supplementation for your herd, as harvested forages tend to be lower in mineral concentrations, than when grazed earlier in the year. We provide free-choice mineral feeders, at ground level, to encourage mineral intake. Location & number of feeders may be adjusted, depending upon cattle numbers & loafing areas. Feeding mineral is a sound investment & managing proper intake will ensure the highest return on performance.

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