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Hebert Family Farms

Felling Trees

Some of our favorite days of the year are spent in the woods, felling trees. It gives us a chance to spend time together, as a family, while maintaining our timberland & preparing logs for future firewood. The kids love to come along and help (hot chocolate, cookies & “adventuring breaks” help seal the deal too!). And whether they realize it or not, there’s lots of learning going on. I’m pretty sure I overheard the words xylem & phloem used, in regards to the trees’ structural makeup. And let me tell you, that brought back memories, straight from high school biology!

Along with felling trees, we also use this opportunity to clean up already fallen or dead trees on the timber floor. Some of these can still make great firewood. And the rest we’ve piled up for wildlife habitats. We select the trees to fell, by choosing ones that are less desirable, giving more room to allow the other trees to grow bigger & taller, with less competition. We then “skid” or “yard” the logs out of the cutting site to a landing, with the 4-wheeler. These will then be hauled out & processed at a later date.

And our favorite time of all-break time! Hot chocolate, cookies & a fire are all requirements for our mornings in the woods. Memories & sore muscles will come later.

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