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Hebert Family Farms

Friday Farm Focus-High Magnesium Mineral

Minerals are a crucial part of beef cattle nutrition. And while mineral programs may look different on each farm, there is one mineral that is on most farmer’s & rancher’s minds this time of year: magnesium (Mg). Magnesium is essential for optimal growth, reproduction & development. It is found in bones, teeth & soft tissues.

The main reason many are choosing to feed “high mag mineral” right now is because the occurrence of grass tetany is at its highest. In spring, as the forage starts to “green up” & grow rapidly, magnesium uptake, by the plants, may be less than optimal. This may be due to deficiency in pastures, (such as in our area, which is high in limestone), soil temperature & soil moisture. Also, waiting to graze, until grass has reached 4-6 inches tall, may also help.

Grass tetany or “grass staggers” is essentially hypomagnesemia, which is low levels of magnesium in the blood. Common symptoms include nervousness, muscle twitching, staggers & convulsions. Prevention is key. We provide choice mineral, available to our livestock, at all times. Magnesium is not stored in the body, so it is important for cattle to meet their intake requirements daily. Magnesium levels in “high mag mineral” are typically between 12-14%, as compared to 1-4% regularly.

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