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Hebert Family Farms

Weaned Calves

This past weekend, we vaccinated & weaned most of our calves. We use this opportunity to perform well-checks & evaluate each calf individually, up close. We can then determine the best course of action for the individual calf.

Although we strive for uniformity throughout our herd, there will still be some variability among the calves. And it will be these differences that help us determine how to proceed. Our calf crop will then fall into one of these three areas of focus.

Replacement Heifers These calves contain the best genetics in our herd. Heifers from cows that have good udder quality, calving ease & maternal instincts are considered for retainment.

Market Calves These are calves that we will finish out ourselves & process into bulk shares or retail cuts. Good genetics, health & calf nutrition are important factors in market calves.

Feeder Calves These calves will be purchased by producers to fatten out for grocery store’s & restaurants.

Weaning can be a stressful time but there are some strategies that we implement, which can help. We fence-line wean, when possible. This allows visual, verbal & nose-to-nose contact still. Familiar calf groupings also seem to help by keeping those bonds, since birth, between calves. We support immunity with vaccinations, a nutrient dense diet & mineral supplementation.

This group of calves did so well! And although the first few days were hard, they’re thriving on their own. Big thanks to Mentzer Farms for your help!!

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